Monday, April 9, 2012

I am back..for now.

It appears they have an app for Blogger, so I may be able to continue my blogging. Well, here's a quick update of the happening in our family since January.

We are still unemployed. Since Humana's interview of which  I received a "Thanks but no thanks letter"...I have had two...two interviews. UPS as a data enty clerk, and another company as a receptionist. UPS didn't choose me. I am not sure how the receptionist position went, but I feel pretty good about it. Brian has had one interview. Yup. Just one. He got the infamous letter too.

We have started packing, as we know our time here is coming to a quick end. We honestly don't know where God is taking us yet. My friends lost their house, which was our plan to stay there. They now live with in-laws.

The closer we get to the unknown, the more I feel like Abraham and Sarah. I don't know what God's plan is yet, but I know it will be simply beautiful and wonderful.

Lastly: my beautiful boys. While we didn't take Easter pictures, I am trying to keep pictures of them. They are growing so fast! Liam is 9 months old already! Momma is kind of getting baby-fever again. But...that is up to God ;)

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