Sunday, January 15, 2012

How Sweet It Is.

This weekend has been nothing but eye opening to me. Friday afternoon, I went and interviewed for a position as a Service Operations Admin Clerk. It was broken down more to me, and is more data analysis than anything. I don't have the "warm and fuzzy" feeling I have landed the position, however I am not worried about it. I have my sister, and our close friends praying for us everyday. We are praying everyday. We feel truly blessed to have such wonderful friends in our lives.

So, onto other things...Liam, our sweet baby, will be six months on Friday. He has broken through another tooth, and is the sweetest baby ever. He's been in pain, but we've been managing with Tylenol and Baby Orajel. He still isn't STTN but, it hopefully is right around the corner. Ha! He will not sleep without his blanket. A fleece blanket. Of course, this leads momma to be a nervous wreck. I try so hard to keep it out of the crib, but if I want to ever sleep, then I don't have much of a choice. He is eating his solids now. LOVES his solids. He's had bananas, avacado, carrots, sweet potatoes, peas, green beans, squash and applesauce. He's not big on the applesauce or the squash. He loves his bananas and peas though.

Aidan is doing very well in school. We are in the processes of getting him into a developmental pedi so that he can get the "official" diagnosis for aspergers so we can get him into therapy. I am telling you, he is very difficult anymore. It breaks my heart, because I literally pray every moment for patience with him. I know he is trying, and there are some things he just can't do. I feel bad at times, because though I love my son more than words, I wish he could do the things he can't do. I may be a bad momma for that, but I can't help it. I wish my baby boy could do everything that kids his age do. So, sue me if I am a bad momma.

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