Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Prayers and Praise

This weekend was fun. Easter service at SECC was beautiful. Saturday, Aidan and my niece Hailey were invited to my Goddaughter/niece Vaeh's birthday party. There was a scheduling conflict with volunteering in the baptistery for 5pm Easter service, so we were not able to attend. But, we had a super time making Miss V's cake. My sister Tasha made a heart shaped cake, and covered it in marshmallow fondant. It came out beautiful.

I had another interview this afternoon, but I don't think it will amount to anything. The receptionist position I interviewed for went nowhere as well, however the VP whom I interviewed with, is going to forward my resume to a colleague of his. Hopefully that will open a door. Brian is working a part-time insulation job. And when I say part-time, I am talking about two days a week, for about ten hours a day...for $10 an hour. Pretty much enough to put gas in the truck. We get closer and closer to moving out of here, and I don't know where we're going to go. Then I remember...Jeremiah 29:11. :)

God Bless.


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