Thursday, April 26, 2012

I hate packing

The packing adventures are not real fun. It has taught me a lesson though. Our next home, I will de-clutter once a year. This is insane how much crap we have! We have stuff that I forgot about, and stuff I've been looking for. So, I am having to decide on what things I want to keep versus throw away. It's stressful, especially with Brian working. My friend, Kristen, is coming over tomorrow to help get more done. Provided we get a room, our move out date is like...idk, a week away or so. I want to be done with this place.

Monday, Brian and I will be going downtown so I can register for classes at JCTC, and will also go to Aidan's school to change our address. The "yard sale" I was going to participate in on the 12th is a "no-go". I just don't have time to bake, nor sale anything. My business endeavor is on hold for now...but once we're stable, it will return and will be better than ever.

For whatever reason, I take pictures on my phone and when I blog them, they are sideways. So...Sunday (which is currently when I have internet access) will be the day of pictures for my boys. :) So, with that said, have a great day!

In His Love,

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I was determined not to write about my dad. I didn't see the point, because well, he's been with Jesus for three years now, and I should be ok. Right?

Well, I am not. The 3rd anniversary of his death was Sunday, and the ache of missing weighed heavily on me. I appeared to be "ok". After all, I am supposed to be happy that he is whole, healthy and with his Lord and Savior. Then...I look at my two sons. My oldest met him, and doesn't remember it. He knows Pop-Pop by pictures, but he doesn't know about Pop-Pop's sense of humor. His love for laughing, and having fun. He just knows PopPop is in heaven with Jesus because he got sick. Liam will never know him either. Well, except for the stories I tell them.

So, while everyone seems to have forgotten my wonderful Daddy (with the xception of my brothers and my stepmom), I will just say, "Daddy, if I had known that our last hug was going to be our last, I would have held on tighter and longer. I wouldn't have been in a rush to get ready to go out that night. And I would have come down sooner. I know you didn't mean the words you said in the hospital, and I forgave you. I love you. I miss you. I need you. And until I get to see you again, in our heavenly home, I will continue to ache for you. I'll try to not feel bitter and hateful toward those whose father is still here. You wouldn't want that. I'll see you soon, Daddy."

In His Love,

Monday, April 23, 2012

It's Almost Time!

Brian and I went downtown, and I got my paperwork in order for the summer semester at JCTC. I am excited because I am ready to go back to school and get it together. I got back down on the 30th to register for classes. My major? All I know is something medical. I'm thinking Medical Administration...but part of me is still interested in Business Admin.

Liam is still not feeling good. No fever, but cranky and not sleeping well. His nine month check up is Friday, so hopefully his meds work and he feels better soon.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

What a Horrible Weekend

This weekend was horrible. Liam was sick. Diagnosed with pink eye and an ear infection on Wednesday, started antibiotics...and fever non-stop through Saturday. I felt so bad for him. Saturday night, Liam did not sleep at all. He woke up at 1am screaming, 2am and 4am. I missed church because I was simply wiped out. It really bothers me, but I can listen to it Tuesday.

I started a walking regiment. Not to "lose" weight, because I am happy with being where I am, but to just exercise. Liam and I have been walking about an hour before we go get Aidan from the bus stop, but it seems to be a bad time with the heat (or lack thereof in the past two days). So, we'll see how that works out.

I have been playing with cupcake recipes, still trying to get my bakery off the ground. My mom has been my critic, and she is tough. So far, my frostings are by far her favorite. The cake...she doesn't like because they are always "too" something. I am determined. I don't like being told I can't do something. However, I do have to wait until we get a place to actually bake stuff.

Aside from that stuff, I am truly a boring person who has nothing extremely interesting going on. So, with that said, God Bless.


Saturday, April 21, 2012

Nine Months In...Nine Months Out.

Liam is 9 months old. Hard to believe!

Me at 9 months pregnant (actually as I was about to walk out the door to have him)

And...Liam at 9 months old:
We love you, Liam Lawrence!!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sleep Deprivation and Hope

It seems that though my sweet Li is nearly 9 months old, he still doesn't understand that sleep is precious. When momma doesn't have sleep, Momma gets cranky...and boy was I cranky this weekend.

Thankfully, today I got to sleep in a bit more. It was nice, until I realized my sweet baby has some serious allergies going on. Poor baby. Puffy eyes kind of kind pink eye, without the pink. Makes a momma sad.

We appear to have found a place to stay. A friend of mine, whom I have known since I was 16, and her husband have offered us a place to stay at their home. It will be very cramped, with 9 people in a 3BR house, but better than sleeping in our truck. My faith is truly being tested, and I know it. It's very hard for me to see that God is carrying us through this...yet I know he is. He has given us a place to stay, and while I wasn't able to take the job I was given..I know that we'll be ok.

I am soo grateful to my friend and her husband. Opening their doors to my family, when they have such a small home is such a God thing. It's beautiful and I am overflowing with joy. Now, let the packing begin...ermm..carry on :)

-In His Love,

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Prayers and Praise

This weekend was fun. Easter service at SECC was beautiful. Saturday, Aidan and my niece Hailey were invited to my Goddaughter/niece Vaeh's birthday party. There was a scheduling conflict with volunteering in the baptistery for 5pm Easter service, so we were not able to attend. But, we had a super time making Miss V's cake. My sister Tasha made a heart shaped cake, and covered it in marshmallow fondant. It came out beautiful.

I had another interview this afternoon, but I don't think it will amount to anything. The receptionist position I interviewed for went nowhere as well, however the VP whom I interviewed with, is going to forward my resume to a colleague of his. Hopefully that will open a door. Brian is working a part-time insulation job. And when I say part-time, I am talking about two days a week, for about ten hours a day...for $10 an hour. Pretty much enough to put gas in the truck. We get closer and closer to moving out of here, and I don't know where we're going to go. Then I remember...Jeremiah 29:11. :)

God Bless.


Monday, April 9, 2012

I am back..for now.

It appears they have an app for Blogger, so I may be able to continue my blogging. Well, here's a quick update of the happening in our family since January.

We are still unemployed. Since Humana's interview of which  I received a "Thanks but no thanks letter"...I have had two...two interviews. UPS as a data enty clerk, and another company as a receptionist. UPS didn't choose me. I am not sure how the receptionist position went, but I feel pretty good about it. Brian has had one interview. Yup. Just one. He got the infamous letter too.

We have started packing, as we know our time here is coming to a quick end. We honestly don't know where God is taking us yet. My friends lost their house, which was our plan to stay there. They now live with in-laws.

The closer we get to the unknown, the more I feel like Abraham and Sarah. I don't know what God's plan is yet, but I know it will be simply beautiful and wonderful.

Lastly: my beautiful boys. While we didn't take Easter pictures, I am trying to keep pictures of them. They are growing so fast! Liam is 9 months old already! Momma is kind of getting baby-fever again. But...that is up to God ;)