Tuesday, September 4, 2012

What a weekend!

This weekend was so anticipated, but of course, flew by. My sweet cousin was married this Saturday in Indianapolis. My husband, my sweet boys and I packed up a rental (a Hyundai Sonata *grin*) and drove two and a half hours to be there for it. My youngest brother, whom is a truck driver, was there as well. I haven't seen him in three years. I also hadn't seen Bobby, my uncle and aunt since then either. My cousin, Jenn, I haven't seen since I was I was 9!

The wedding was beautiful. It was small,simple, intimate, personal and memorable. They had a wedding ceremony that I wish I had had. Karin (my new cousin by marriage I guess), is so sweet. She is beautiful and I know she completes Bobby. Our trip itself was memorable, as we barely missed being taken out by a semi. I thank God that He protected us.
My husband and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary. I didn't think we'd make it this far. He and I have dealt with so many trials. We have separated, reconciled, and a year ago brought Christ into our marriage.  He surprised me with dinner at one of our favorite restaurants. Our boys were in tow, as we didn't have a babysitter. It was good food, and we had a good time.
Sunday was of course our church day. I felt horrible because I had a massive headache and my neck was stiff so I honestly couldn't tell you what I got from the sermon. All I knew if I felt like poo.
On Monday, we went to church again. Our church hosts an annual event called "Family Palooza" which is a free community event with bouncies, petting zoos, games and such. Brian and I volunteered to work in the WAY-FM radio booth. Brian took the first shift, and I was supposed to take the next one. Well, I lost track of time and he ended up working mine too. Aidan had such a blast there. It was muggy, humid and even rained a few times...but we had fun. We also got 4 tickets to Holiday World! We are taking Aidan and our niece, Hailey on the 22nd.
This weekend was wonderful. I miss my family already. I hope I get to see them again soon. Now, I have a TON of homework to do. So I must say Good night.

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