Thursday, September 20, 2012

Reality is...having no car sucks

Sometimes you have to sit back and remind yourself that God is in control. I feel like a child who is on the verge of a temper tantrum right now. It is so minor in other people's lives, and it seems so frivolous for me to mention...but I need a car. A working car with four wheels, that has heat (at least) and good gas mileage. I don't want one because it's cool to have one. I need one because trying to get the stuff done that I need to get done with no vehicle is, well, impossible. My husband works when he can, and usually those days go from 9-7 or so. He is so tired by the time he gets home, I have to wait, or ask my mom top come and get me and drag the kids out to go to the store. Or the laundry mat, or pick Aidan up from school. The laundry mat in our complex is caddy-corner across the street, the trash compactor is on the other side of the neighborhood, and 99% of the time, I am alone with Liam. So, it's not feasible being on the 3rd floor, and trying to drag a 14 month old and a basket of laundry down the steps and across the parking lot..or to drag a bag or two of trash like that. I have a home bakery I tried running out of my home but I can't get out to get supplies for surprise orders.

I keep reminding myself that if I was meant to have one, I would have one. I just have a hard time feeling like a child asking for a ride here, can I go there. It seriously sucks. It's the little things that I complain about, and I hate complaining about it. It makes me sad. I used to have friends who wanted to hang out with me, and since I have no car, and I have to ask for rides places...needless to say I am not invited anymore. Maybe they aren't "true friends"...I like to believe they are. I just don't know what to think about anything anymore.  All I know, is that there is no point is crying over it (tell my body that!) and since this is my blog, I can complain here because nobody reads it anyway. LoL

God Bless,

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