Thursday, June 21, 2012

Sick and Tired

I complain a lot. I know I do, and while I try not to...well, it just happens.

My church choir was invited by a gentleman who conducts Michael W. Smith's concert, to sing in a concert with him at Carnegie Hall on January 26th. I was beyond excited. I mean, I have never been to NYC before, and to sing with MWS at Carnegie Hall, is a dream come true. is exactly that. A dream. It won't come true, unless God intervenes here. The trip is a whopping $1095. That is not including the airfare, which could be at least $400. Well...I don't work. I can't because I have no childcare for my kids, and Brian's days are so I am shtuck. Our church is not sponsoring the event, so Idk if they'll let us have any fundraisers. I know I am not the only one who doesn't have the means to go...but I am super hurt and disappointed.

I am over being unhappy. I am over being miserable. Idk how, just yet, but I will find childcare, and get back out there and work. But anyway...enough of this. I am going to see if I can find a couple of books on the library's website for my Kindle. Good night.

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