Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day

Mother's Day...was awful. I had a heavy heart, and I honestly don't know why. We went to church, and at SECC, all mothers stand for a short two minute prayer. I fought crying through the whole service, and I knew when it was time to stand, that I would lose it. I did. Brian held my hand, and I prayed hard.

We went to bible study afterwards, and the subject at hand (we are taking a break from "The Story") was Marriage. We read from Ephesians 5:2-24, about the context of submission, and how you show the world your marriage is "different" in terms of being Christian. I was at a loss of words. I look at mine, and while my husband and I are both christians, I don't see that we have a Christian based marriage. Something we have to work on.

We went afterwards to my Gram's. I just couldn't shake the heavy heart. I went to the bathroom, and just cried and cried. I don't understand why though. Then, to make matters glasses broke. Anyone who knows me, knows that I am literally darn near blind. I can't see. So, I was frustrated after that. I am thankful I have Rx sunglasses so that I can was just a little dark in there as it was rainy. We ate chicken and all the fixin's ;)

I honestly wish I could tell you why I am so sad. I have been praying about it, and praying that the Lord would fill me with the Holy spirit, with patience, and love...and understanding. We have gotten an apartment, which we will move in to at the end of May. Brian is working odd jobs, enough to make sure we can pay rent and the few utilities we have. So, I just don't understand. But...maybe some things aren't for my understanding. I will just draw nearer to my God and find strength through Him. That being said, this song below is a source of strength for me. Blessings

Have a Blessed Day.

In His Light.

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