Saturday, May 26, 2012

God is good!

God is good! That's all I can say. My family has a roof over their heads, and we will be ok. The lease was signed yesterday, walk-thru done today...and after the fiasco of "friends" dropping like flies (gotta love moving on a holiday weekend) and not having help...we managed to get help.

My kids...well, they are fabulous. Aidan, my sweet six year old, is moving on to 2nd grade. My baby boy, Liam, is into everything. He babbles, says dada, baba and such. Tries to walk, but isn't quite there yet. He is 10 months old, and I just want to cry because he's not that sweet, tiny baby anymore.

Hopefully, once we get moved into our new home we'll have the ability to...idk, maybe add pics :)

Until then...God Bless.

In His Love,

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