Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A New Opportunity

Life has been good and busy. My husband, our sons, school, Aidan's OT...it's all been a balancing act. The best part? I mentioned before that I felt led to join Thirty-One Gifts. Well, I made the leap on Friday, and received my kit today. To say that I am excited is an understatement. There are things that our family needs {like a second vehicle, extra income so we can save up for a house, paying off school loans...etc} and I want to help my husband in providing income.

I am giving this whole movement to God, because I can't do this without Him. I am not a saleswoman, am painfully shy until I get to know people and I am not pushy...so I am very much out of my element and out of my comfort zone. I want to live for Him, and I feel like I am being called into the Thirty-One Ministry.

So, if you don't have a Thirty-One Gifts consultant and are interested in their products here.

You can host an online party and earn free/half priced products, or even become a Thirty-One Consultant yourself. The rewards are great, and the incentives are awesome!

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