Thursday, August 1, 2013

Close call..

What a week this has been! Making some major decisions, and saying "YES!" to God, and dealing with the near loss of my best friend. brain is frozen.

So, we'll start from the beginning. My friend Three and I have known each other for years. We had about 3 years of no communication, but we came back around and are happy again. I reached out to her right after she'd found out she was expecting her 2nd child. Yay! I was excited for her. We met at Steak and Shake...and we talked for about 3 hours. We don't quite text on a daily basis, but I always checked in on her, and vise versa. Well, I knew this pregnancy was going to be complicated, but to hear how complicated it got is insane. Three was admitted into the hospital for placenta previa. She was hospitalized for a month. They had the intention of delivering baby Ella on August 5th, so she'd be 32 weeks. God had other plans.

Three's uterus ruptured and an emergency c-section was done along with a hysterectomy. Baby Ella was born, and was very strong. Three, well...she bled. A lot. In fact, she bled so much that they ran out of blood {they only used 58 units..only}. The doctors could have let her go, and but they kept trying. Three kept fighting. She was placed on a vent in CCU. I have never, in my life, prayed as hard as I did in those 24 hours. I am thankful for Facebook because had it not been for Facebook, I would not have known. So, today is four days after the fact...and she is alive and well. She is off the vent, sitting up in a chair and hopefully today, she'll be moved to a regular room. Ella is one strong little girl. At 31 weeks, she is off of the oxygen, and is taking a pretty good amount of food. Praise be to God! I am telling you, it's all a miracle!

So, saying "yes!" to God entails some risk taking, of course. I have been playing with the idea of being a Thirty-One consultant for years. I love their bags, and knowing a friend of mine is a consultant herself and is very successful excites me. I have thought about it for two years, but fear of not succeeding always stops me. I researched, and researched some more...and found out that there is no obligation. You buy the starter kit, which gives you some pretty awesome bags...and your goal is to sell $200-300 worth every quarter. If you don't sell, you still keep your stuff and you keep going. I want to contribute to serve God, contribute to our income, pay off school loans, and maybe take my kids on a trip. I feel like this could be the way to go. So, I prayed about it, and I think it's time to say "OK! Let's do this!" So...I plan on joining at the end of August or beginning.

I never post pictures on here because I simply forget. So, here is some pictures that are long over due.

Aidan at Emily's Birthday party at Incredible Dave's.

Hailey at the party too.

How sweet is this little man? My nephew Lucas

What can I say? My brother, Lucas and Hailey

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