Sunday, December 23, 2012

Hearts Desires

The last month or so has been a whirlwind. I finished the semester for school (3.5 GPA, go me!) We have gotten into the swing of having a new job, and how the dynamics were going to work. My boys are missing their daddy, but it is all working out.

We're on Christmas break right now, and loving every minute. Having my family together just brings me such joy and excitement. This week, we plan on spending as much time as we can together. We finally put up a mini Christmas tree this evening. It was something for us all to enjoy {and say, "No touch!" to Liam. HA!}. Christmas Eve, we will be buying a few last minute gifts for my mom and Grandma...then we'll have dinner and Aidan and I will make Rice Krispie treat treats. Decorating rice krispie treats is something we adore. I am not much on cookies. Since we all love RKTs, I figure that will be a great alternative.

Brian and I are currently researching the possibility of sending Aidan to a private Christian school. It has been on my heart heavy, here lately. It was reallty heavy on the day of the Newtown, CT massacre. I cannot wrap my head around that entire thing, and I just feel like it is time for my boy to get the education he deserves in a safer environment. Yes, I know, private schools are no safer than public schools...but I feel my boy deserves a Christ-centered education. So, if it is God's will, then He will provide the way go to.

NYC is about four weeks away! I can't believe it. It is right around the corner. Mom is going to watch the boys for me since Brian is currently on second shift. I am nervous. My sweet Liam has never been away from me for this long, so I know we'll be going crazy without each other. Aidan, I believe, will be ok. But...I am excited too. I am looking forward to visiting the WTC Memorial Park, and experiencing NYC. No Broadway shows for this Momma. LoL I looked up ticket costs and it is no less than  $150 a ticket. Yeah, so I believe my happy bum will be Skyping with my babies and getting a full-nights sleep for once. Ha!

Here lately, on my the deep need/desire for a sweet little girl. My husband is not wanting anymore children, but I don't feel at peace with the "we're done" mentality. I don't think we are. I am just not sure whether it would be by adoption or by birth, that I would have this need met. I have been praying about it. Haven't gotten a clear answer yet. :)

Anyway...hope to have tons of pictures up of our Christmas day. So, on that note. I am off to bed.

In His Light,

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Brian has a job!

Whew! So its been a while since I have updated the blog. I don't think I have anybody really reading it, so it's more for me I guess. Anyway. So, Brian finally managed to get a job. To say that it is an adjustment is an understatement! I feel like I am in the middle of a horrible flashback. The hours he worked at his last job were horrid. This one...well, it is just as bad.

Please don't get me wrong. I am truly grateful for this job, I am. I just have to get used to being a single mom again. Last time, it was difficult because I was without a car for such a small time; well, now it is difficult for the same reason. Except I have activities that we're involved in that I am on the verge of losing because I simply don't have transportation. Brian works from 3pm until between 12-2am depending on OT. Aidan has to have a way to school, so it's a daily nerve issue because I am not sure if Brian will be able to get up to take him to school (I can't drive the truck due to physical issues). I just raised $1,500 for my NYC trip, and getting to choir rehearsal is necesary. Aidan is involved in a Bible Bowl activity that we received financial assistance for, so I need to keep him in that. I know the Lord will provide ways for this, I am just trying to adjust to it.

We are hoping to find a car to purchase within the next 6-8 weeks, and a rental house within the next 6-8 months. I think once we manage to get the car issue taken care of, things will fall into place.

In His Love,